Registration Website Maintenance

Tuesday, September 10, 11:00 p.m. – Wednesday, September 11, 1:00 a.m.
The registration website will be undergoing maintenance and may be unavailable.

Thank you for your understanding.

Integrated Pest Management Program

The Bend Park and Recreation District Park Services Department cares for more than 3,035 acres of developed and undeveloped parkland in a safe, attractive, healthy and useful condition. This includes 85 parks, 88 miles of trails and several district-owned facilities.

The district recognizes the responsibility to protect and preserve these assets and the public investment to the best of our abilities. Furthermore, it also recognizes responsibilities to its employees, user groups, and the general public and therefore employs the highest professional standards in the performance of duties.

The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program guides the district philosophy for managing pests and weeds. The IPM requires staff to regularly monitor for the presence of weeds, choose effective and minimally toxic method for control and monitor results. Employees are proficient in maintaining parks and trails with minimal pesticide use, have set aside sensitive areas where pesticide use is restricted, and have improved park design to limit future needs to use pesticides.

Goals of the IPM program are as follows:

  • Protect human health and the surrounding environment by employing a range of preventative strategies using the least-toxic products for pest control and eradication.
  • Inspect and monitor pest populations to enhance control strategies.
  • Minimize the quantity and toxicity of chemicals used for pest management.
  • Minimize the impact on the environment by using target specific pesticides when deemed necessary in the landscapes or buildings.
  • Establish clear criteria for acceptable circumstances when using a pesticide other than the least toxic method is necessary.
  • Provide park users with advanced notice of IPM activities involving the use of a pesticide.
  • Be a responsible steward of district resources.

About the IPM Program

The IPM program focuses first and foremost on maintaining parks and trails to community expectations with mostly chemical free strategies.

Pesticide Free Areas

The district offers many pesticide free areas

  • All playgrounds
  • Community Gardens
  • Pollinator Gardens


BPRD supports efforts to keep pollinators healthy

  • Neonicotinoids (Neonics) are not used on any district properties.
  • Our buildings are managed for pests through a contracted vendor that only uses essential oils for pest management.
  • Pollinator gardens are planted in various parks.

Weed Control

Weeds are controlled with manual hand pulling, string trimming and mechanical edging, mowing and spray applications. Spray applications include pesticides that are selective, non-selective and pre-emergence.

When it is necessary to use pesticides as part of IPM, staff minimizes risks by careful product selection and application. Thoughtful, timely and selective use of pesticides is just one tool of many used to maintain park lands. We also carefully consider community member input with regard to safety of park facilities, quality of the park user’s experience and service expectations.

Before applying a pesticide, the following factors are considered:

  • Does the density of pest plants meet or exceed the threshold for treatment?
  • Have non-pesticides options been considered and tried?
  • Are appropriate cultural methods in place to ensure that the weed is not being promoted?
  • Have we selected the least toxic pesticides to be effective, and are we applying at the lowest dose?

The use of Glyphosate is restricted and may be applied in specific areas when other control measures fail. Use is limited to tree wells, borders and fence lines. Playgrounds and community gardens are never sprayed with pesticides.

Training Standards

The district goes above and beyond requirements by training staff through the Oregon Department of Agriculture annually to the highest safety standards in using chemical pesticides. This is for the protection of park users and to the staff member working with the chemical. The district maintains an excellent safety record.

Continuing Education

The department reviews pesticides use regularly and continually looks for safer alternative products and other cost-effective control measures. The Natural Resources and Landscape divisions are involved in training and education. Both departments are required to obtain credit hours each year to maintain their Oregon Public Applicators Licenses.

Noxious Weeds

The district is under the authority of Deschutes County to control noxious weeds.  For more information about the county program:

Noxious weeds can threaten the economy and environment of a region by:

  • Outcompeting native species for water, sunlight, and soil nutrients;
  • Converting a diverse plant community to a monoculture of weeds;
  • Displacing habitat and food sources for insects and wildlife, including threatened or endangered species;
  • Changing or reducing water availability;
  • Causing erosion;
  • Blocking water channels and creating flood hazards;
  • Changing fire regimes – some weeds can increase the risk of wildfires;
  • Competing for pollinators; and/or
  • Inhibiting native species by releasing chemicals into the soil that prevent other plants from growing.

Public Confusion about Spraying

The district has made a commitment to restrict the use of Glyphosate and other chemicals. Staff use backpack sprayers for a variety of reasons. A spray backpack does not necessarily mean that pesticide is being applied in parks or on trails. In addition, other agencies (private and public) may have their own landscaping crews working near a park that can be perceived as district staff. District staff will always be in uniform with the district logo. Occasionally the district will work with contractors who must also adhere to the IPM program guidelines. Proper signage will be posted in the affected area if park maintenance is scheduled.

Signage and Communication

Community members can find a district maintenance schedule on this website. This schedule will inform the public of park maintenance schedule that will include all forms of maintenance to the park. This may or may not include the use of pesticides. Normal park maintenance does not typically include the use pesticides, but trained staff may determine the need on a limited basis. Staff will post signs in parks when necessary.

Trails and Natural Areas

The IPM program also encompasses trails and natural areas. In the event that pesticide sprays are used in these areas, signs will be posted to inform the public. The duration of the sign posting is based upon the requirements of the product label.

Park Maintenance Schedule

Schedule is subject to change without notice.

Neighborhood Parks

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Al Moody Harvest Larkspur Compass Columbia
Stover Lewis and Clark Gardenside Overturf Sawyer Uplands
Eagle Sylvan Quail Hixon Awbrey Village
Orchard Kiwanis Mt. View Aspen Hall Park Services
Hillside 1 & 2 Vince Genna Foxborough Pine Ridge Blakely
Summit Jaycee Wildflower Woodriver
Canal Row Providence Holly Grape
Boyd Sun Meadow
Empire Crossing

Community Parks

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Pioneer Hollinshead Juniper McKay Pavilion
Pacific Drake Pageant North Berm Miller's Landing
Farewell Bend Brandis Square Brooks Sawyer (backside) Sawyer (frontside)
Riverbend Discovery

Sports Fields

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Harmon Big Sky Pine Nursery OLA Ponderosa Pine Nursery
Pine Nursery (Athletic) Pine Nursery (Athletic) Pine Nursery (Community) Skyline
Park & Float Field Pacific Crest

For more information, please contact:

Park Services
Customer Service Line