Special Registration Fitness Classes & Workshops: Offered regularly

Throughout the year, BPRD offers a variety of special fitness classes, workshops and events that cater to a wide range of people and their fitness goals.

Recent classes and events have included specialty yoga classes, Fit & Happy Feet, Nordic Walking and many others.

Stay up-to-date on seasonal registration fitness classes by visiting the BPRD registration website.

Note: During inclement weather or poor air quality, be sure to check the Delays and Cancellations Report for impacts to operations.

Heart Health Week | February 10 – 14 | Free

Our fabulous BPRD staff are teaming up with community partners to bring you heart healthy topics and free activities at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center and Larkspur Community Center all week!

Download the Heart Health Week schedule here or check the schedules below for more information.

Promotional graphic for Heart Health Week, Feb. 10 - 11 at participating BPRD facilities.


Monday, February 10 | Building Stronger Hearts Together: Our group fitness instructors will highlight the heart health benefits of their modality throughout their classes and celebrate with you your commitment to overall health and wellbeing.

Tuesday, February 11 | 1:30 – 2:30 pm | Heart Smart: Exercise Intensity Guidance with Joe Beckerly, BPRD Personal Trainer/Specialty Fitness Instructor | Pilates Studio | Exercise intensity plays a crucial role in achieving optimal health, as it directly impacts how the body adapts and improves over time. Heart rate training provides a personalized, science-based approach to guide exercise intensity, ensuring that workouts are effective, safe, and aligned with your individual fitness goals. Learn how to target your exercise intensities to help reduce risk of injury, support cardiovascular health, fat loss, and improved overall fitness.

Tuesday, February 11 – 13 | Multiple times available | Instructor Lead Heart Rate Training Protocol | Cycle | Discover your optimal heart rate training zones while enjoying a challenging and energizing workout to improve your fitness and health.  Class dates and times for Heart Rate sessions: February 11 – 5:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.; February 12 – 5:30 p.m.; February 13 – 9:15 a.m.


Wednesday, February 12 | 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. | Heart Health 101 presented by St. Charles Health System | Classroom A | Join Amy Reid from St. Charles Health System to learn how to improve your heart health while developing new coping skills to prevent or manage cardiovascular conditions. Gain basic knowledge on the heart – how it works (and when it doesn’t), fun heart facts, signs and symptoms of a heart attack, heart health nutrition and specific foods to enhance your cardiovascular health, tips on getting heart health foods into your diets, and learn everyday skills to enhance your cardiovascular health.

Thursday, February 13 | Heart Health & Aging presented by Dr. Bulkley of Mosaic Community Health | 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Multipurpose Room | Join Dr. Bulkley for a discussion on cardiovascular risk factors as well as the role of diet and exercise as it relates to cardiovascular health.

Thursday, February 13 | 5:45 – 6:45 p.m. | Calm Your Heart Guided Meditation and Breathwork | Community Room | Meditation is shown to activate the “rest and digest” functions in our body and reduce the “flight or fight” responses, and practicing slow, deep breathing for just a few minutes a day can help lower blood pressure, potentially reducing systolic blood pressure (the first number in your reading) by up to 10 points (Harvard Health Publishing. (2023, Sept. 1). Breathing Exercises to Lower Your Blood Pressurehttps://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health)

Thursday, February 13 & Friday, February 14 | 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. | Know Your Numbers & Reduce Risk of Developing Heart Disease: Blood Pressure Screenings with Partner in Care | Hallway next to Classroom A | Hypertension (aka high blood pressure) is often referred to as the “silent killer” because it has no warning signs and can lead to life-threatening conditions like a heart attack or stroke. Our friends from Partners in Care will be on hand to take your blood pressure and show you how easy self-monitoring can be.

Thursday, February 13 & Friday, February 14 | Body Composition Analysis | 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Thursday: Classroom 2 | Friday: Classroom 3 |
Limited Spots available register online with Activity #115680 – Pre-Registration required.
Knowing your body fat percentage can be helpful when assessing your over-all health. Too much body fat can increase your risk of developing certain types of cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues.

Friday, February 14| 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. | Calm Your Heart Guided Meditation and Breathwork | Mind Body Room | Another opportunity to enjoy the heart health benefits of this meditative practice.

See the Juniper Swim & Fitness Center facility schedule for all classes and activities.

Class Etiquette

In group exercise, like all social settings, common courtesy calls for sensitivity to others. Please follow these etiquette guidelines when participating in group exercise classes.

  • New to class? Arrive early and introduce yourself to the instructor, and let them know if you need any modifications.
  • Respect the instructor, and other participants, by arriving on time to get the most out of the class and warm up, and plan on participating to the best of your ability and staying through the cooldown/stretch. Modify moves as needed. If you’re looking to do your own workout, visit our studios during Workout on Your Own hours.
  • Be respectful to all by keeping conversations to a minimum. If you’re looking to socialize throughout class, please visit our studios/pools during Workout on Your Own times.
  • Participants should be clean and free of scents or perfumes.
  • Glass is prohibited in all facilities and parks.
  • Water or sports drinks must be in containers with lids.
  • Silence cell phones.
  • Exercise clothing should be clean, comfortable, and provide appropriate coverage.
  • Please ask a receptionist for help from a Facility Shift Lead if you are having an issue with another patron.
  • The safest place to secure your belongings is locked in one of our lockers.
  • For classes that have size limitations, only sign-in for yourself. You must be present at the start of class or your spot will be relinquished to the next person on the waiting list.

Check with your physician before beginning any exercise program. If you have any medical considerations (recent surgeries, knee, neck or back problems, etc.), be sure to inform your teacher beforehand. Please note that instructors may use both physical assists as well as verbal cues to help students attain proper form, alignment and position. Please notify the instructor before class begins if you do not want to be touched. You are encouraged to bring and drink water throughout your workout. Thank you for attending and enjoy your workout!

Pool Etiquette

Play your part and help keep pools clean & safe.

  • Take a quick shower prior to entering a pool.
    Rinsing removes microscopic dirt, body oils and fluids, reducing the smell of chlorine on your body and around the pool.
  • Skip the body sprays, colognes and perfumes.
    Scented items react with chlorine and create smelly chloramine off-gasses, not the intended scent.
  • Mom was right. Try to go, even if you don’t think you need it.
    A preventative restroom break is best for kiddos and grownups. For small kids, use pool diapers for those who aren’t reliably toilet-trained. They're at the front desk.
  • Don't share the germs.
    Please don't use the pool if you or your child have had a fever or diarrhea in the past two weeks.
  • Aim for the deep end.
    No diving, except in the deep ends of the pools.
  • No monkey business.
    No running, roughhousing or unsafe behavior.

Supervision Requirements

  • Outdoor Water Slide:
    Children 6 years and younger and under 42 inches must be accompanied and supervised at all times by a responsible person 14 years or older.
  • Children 6 years and younger and under 42 inches:
    Must be supervised at all times by a responsible person 14 years or older.
    Must be accompanied in the water by an adult if they are a non-swimmer.
  • Youth 7 years and older or above 42 inches:
    Direct adult supervision is recommended especially for non-swimmers.
    Non-swimmers must stay where they can stand unless accompanied by a responsible adult or wearing a lifejacket.
  • Small Children’s Pool:
    The Small Children's Pool is reserved for children six and under and others who are unsafe in the larger pools. Older sibling/friends are permitted when there is room and only if playing appropriately. Adult supervision is required for all children swimming in the children’s pool. Help us keep this a safe and enjoyable pool for young children!

Water Features:

  • Deep Water Swim Requirements - Children must be able to comfortably swim one width of the pool (half on front, rolling over and half on back) to swim in the deep end or use the diving boards or rope swing. Lifeguards may require that you demonstrate your swim skills before using the deep end features. Lifejackets and/or catching and assisting children are not allowed.
  • Hot Tub - Youth ages 6 years and up are only allowed in the hot tubs with an adult guardian; not allowed during Open Recreation Swim.
  • Steam Room & Dry Sauna - Reserved for ages 16 and up.

Flotation Devices & Water Toys

  • Lifejackets are encouraged for non-swimmers, which we provide for use. People wearing lifejackets may not use the diving boards, rope swing or large slide.
  • Water wings and assisted flotation devices are permitted but may not be used as a substitute for supervision, lifejackets or swimming ability. Non-swimmers using water wings or partial flotation devices will be required to have an adult with them in the water at all times.
  • Outside toys are not allowed.

Not all classes listed below may be currently offered.

Bend Park and Recreation District offers fitness and swim classes, workshops and clinics throughout the year. Learn more about these events and subscribe to the calendars to attend upcoming events. Some of these programs are separate from fitness passes. Some are free and additional fees may apply for others. Learn more about these events:

Special Free Fitness Clinics
Clinics are free of charge and require no registration – just come on by.

Fitness Workshops
Focus on specific skills in a small class environment, for individual attention and skill building. Fees range in price; registration required online or at facility front desk.