Farewell and Riverbend aerial

Land Use

Many land use applications with the City of Bend or Deschutes County require an official coordination letter from the park district since some developments may require trail or park land dedication and development as outlined in City and County codes. Park system development charges (SDCs) are also assessed on residential development, including guest lodging facilities.

Upon request, the district will provide a coordination letter after a formal review by our planners. If you would like to request a coordination letter from the district, please download and complete the Land Use submission form and return to Kelsey Schwartz via email with PDFs of the plan drawings and any other supplemental information that will help the district with its review. Please allow a minimum of one week for delivery of your letter.

Kelsey Schwartz
Planning and Property Specialist

Email Kelsey Schwartz


For further questions or information about City or County land use processes and requirements, please contact them directly.


In some cases, easements on BPRD property may be required by a developer or neighboring land owner when no other options exist. For information on the easement request process and application, please contact:

Brian Hudspeth
Director of Planning & Development
Email Brian Hudspeth