This page is designed for gaurdians of Kids Inc. participants to have easy access to resources. Forms, documents, how-to instructions and other resources can be found here.

Questions? Contact our staff.

Three children play a tabletop game together while one smiles at the camera.

Kids’ Inc How To’s

Need help updating account or billing information? Use our instructions below.

How do I review and update my account?

To make sure your BPRD account profiles and payment methods are up to date and ready to go:

  1. Click on the “Register” link on the BPRD website or go directly to:
  2. Enter your username and password. You already have an account if you have previously participated in a program or have a pass at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center, The Pavilion or Larkspur Community Center/Bend Senior Center. The default username is your email address and the default password is your last name (first letter capitalized) unless you set it up differently.
  3. Go to “My Account” followed by “Update: Household & Member” and make sure all family members are in your account with correct birth dates and genders. If needed, add a new household member or new person for child pickup by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the page. Also review and if needed update your account address, phone, email and person information.

How do I set up Auto-Billing?

Auto-billing is available for Kids Inc. monthly payments.

  • Save time – complete once and you’re all set for future monthly payments.
  • Worry-free – no need to remember to log in for manual payments before the first of the month.
  • This pilot program has been specially-created for Kids INC participants.

Visit the Kids Inc. Auto-Billing page for full details.