Registration Website Maintenance

Tuesday, September 10, 11:00 p.m. – Wednesday, September 11, 1:00 a.m.
The registration website will be undergoing maintenance and may be unavailable.

Thank you for your understanding.

Get in on the fun! Volunteering with Bend Park & Recreation District is a great way to build some skills and experience, satisfy school requirements and do good things in your community.

Steps to Being a Great Volunteer

Complete the BPRD volunteer application

If you are under 18, your parent/guardian will need to give their approval on the application for you to volunteer and also check the agreement box for the participation waiver.

Attend orientation

We want to set you up for success! You will need to attend an orientation or training before you volunteer. Training dates and requirements vary by program. If you are offering to volunteer with more than one program, you may need to attend additional orientations.

Be committed

If you sign up and are scheduled to volunteer, we are counting on you! If your plans change and you need to miss a shift, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we can cover that spot.

Decide which opportunity is right for you

We have many options for volunteering. Minimum age requirement and time commitment varies by program. Visit the opportunities listed here for more information or visit the online registration website to sign up for summer volunteer opportunities.

Summer Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers age 12 to 15

Junior Lifeguard

Learn the skills used by professional lifeguards and put those skills into practice by volunteering during Rec. Swim & Family Swim sessions throughout the summer. Junior Lifeguards volunteer under the supervision of lifeguard staff.

Program is available at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center and Larkspur Community Center. Volunteers sign up by location – training and volunteer shifts will be at the facility you select. Summer schedule for volunteering is set up when you come to training.

Swim Instructor Aide 

Learn the skills used by professional swim instructors and put those skills into practice by volunteering under supervision of aquatics staff during youth swim lessons throughout the summer. Swim Instructor Aides are in the pool working with swim instructors and participants.

Program is held at both Juniper Swim & Fitness Center and Larkspur Community Center. Your volunteer schedule will be assigned when you come to training.

Summer Buddies – preschool recreation & swimming program at JSFC 

Volunteer with preschool age kids at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center!

Volunteers will help with games, crafts and activities and get in the pool each day with the children. Staff is also in the pool with the group. Teens need to be responsible, reliable and enjoy working with young children.

Volunteers age 14 to 16

Youth Recreation Programs

  • Art Camps 
  • Cougar Camp 1 – outdoor day camp at Shevlin Park
  • Therapeutic Recreation Camps
  • Summer Buddies preschool at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center
  • Junior Lifeguard & Swim Instructor Aide

Location, schedule and time commitment vary by program.

Volunteers age 16+

Many of the above opportunities plus:

  • Cougar Camp 2 or 1 & 2 combo weeks – outdoor day camp at Shevlin Park.
  • Art Camps
  • Therapeutic Recreation programs

Location, schedule and time commitment varies by program.

Experience is a Plus!

When you are ready to look for job, we hope you will consider applying with BPRD. We hire many seasonal and part time employees for fun youth recreation, lifeguard and swim instructor positions each summer. Volunteering with us is not a guarantee for hiring, but it’s great experience to have on your resume.

Teen volunteer at Summer Buddies childcare at Juniper.

Volunteers make fun happen.

Junior lifeguard volunteer at the outdoor activity pool at Juniper.
teens volunteering at a free community event, Days of Play, in Bend.